स्वप्न :पृष्ठ 3
विश्व-विजयी निद्रा से ग्रस्त,
सो रहे थे कुछ नर, जग भूल.
प्रिया-विरहित कुछ दुखित मनुष्य,
सहन करते थे उर में शूल.
कल्पना का यह सुन्दर लोक,
देखकर मन था अति सानन्द.
कि सहसा, निद्रा-सुख अनुरक्त.
हो गईं मेरी आँखें बंद.
स्वप्न-चलचित्र चला तब चारु,
झर रहा था प्रमोद-पानीय.
दृश्य जो देखा रुचिर नितांत,
नहीं है वह वाणी कथनीय.
एक विस्तीर्ण क्षेत्र के मध्य ,
खडा मैं किंकर्तव्य विमूढ़.
देखता था होकर साश्चर्य,
प्रकृति का वह परिवर्तन गूढ़.
वहां के कण कण में थी व्याप्त,
सत्त्व-गुण सर्जक गैरिक कान्ति.
शून्य में अतुल शून्यता तुल्य,
चतुर्दिक फ़ैली थी शुभ शान्ति.
-- अरविंद पाण्डेय
वही शुभ शान्ति ही फैली रहे।
जवाब देंहटाएं"स्वप्न से भरी निद्रा-सुख" बहुत ही सुंदर कविता हैं.....
जवाब देंहटाएंevery one was not born with the god's good grace and nature's good grace of good qualities and the good fate and luck to have good inteligence ,good wisdom ,good qualities ,and circuimstances not to commit ever any mistakes or sins .
जवाब देंहटाएं-every human every soul either good or bad ,angle or evil ,sinner,demon , god or devil every creature ,every one want to live as a good humanbeing --please save
request and pray ----instead of killing ,spoiling lives,destroying ,sending under earth ,hells ,if some place is given far away from india .and some thing are done for better to improve the qualities of humans and souls .so that every one can live
human souls and live bodies are taken under earth ,and making humans again and puneshing with cruelities under rocks ,under earth , even taking to several thousnds kilometers under rocks,and given different shapes in toilet sevrages and pipes made like aliens .taking under earth and beating and burning . even to center of the earth, where no body can be able to find out , even converting souls (atamas) to pieces the size of molecules even to newtron, proton size and given in urine and given in food and made into toilet .so that no one can see and search .buring alive . cutting parts of boby of (souls) atama , sending to hell the place like toilt severages where no body sees , making aliens and like aliens from human .joining different different souls giveing unnatural shapes .breaking soul cutting hands , legs .stomach ,toungs,seprating layers of body and souls . spoiling the brains ,creating bad wisdom , mind , brains spoiling souls , kundlanies , kundlanies shakties ,balas souls of back born , nurves systems ,spoiling humans ,human micro soul powers .
जवाब देंहटाएं